Future Buyers

Buying a home can be exciting yet stressful at times. Here are some facts and tips to ease your mind about the home purchase process and working with an agent.

Fact: You will never pay your buyers agent a single penny. We get paid by the selling side of the transaction. Why? Well, there are two sides to the transaction.This gives incentive to the buyers agent to show the seller agents property. If you are not represented, the commission goes to the sellers side and the agent will receive the whole commission.

Fact: You forfeit the benefit of having a professional real estate negotiator on your side who does this every day. An experienced real estate professional has great resources tools. These tools are imperative when purchasing like referrals for inspectors, contractors, etc. They handle all the multitudes of small details that arise from the transaction…again at NO CHARGE to you so why wouldn’t you want “experience” working with you?

Tip#1: If you are already working with an agent, when driving around taking down numbers off signs CALL your agent. If you cannot reach your agent and must call, that’s okay too;  just make sure you let the person who answers the phone that you are currently working with someone. When speaking with a sellers agent, always keep it simple and leave the complex questions and answers for your agent to address. Why? You may without knowing, set yourself up and costing yourself thousands more when it comes to negotiations.

Tip#2: If you are not working with an agent, find a local agent you can build a rapport with just incase you change your mind. A good agent will are always willing to share there knowledge and lead you in the right direction.