Happy House Hunting 101

Are you in the process of finding your next home? If so, here are a few things you may want to consider before/during your search. Planning ahead is the biggest key component to a successful find and purchase. Buying a home is like going on an adventure, you should be equipped and ready for anything once you start looking. Before your Realtor starts setting appointments. Make sure all your ducks are in a row so when you find yourself feeling  froggy, you should jump! Well, here is some food for thought and happy house hunting! Read more…


Help-I want to Buy a Home…

The first step to homeownership would be to look at your credit score. Your credit score really holds the key to your home purchasing power. It is normal for a first time homebuyer to contact me, ask questions about the real estate process and where to start. My answer is always-lets take a look at the credit.  As a real estate professional, I work on your behalf to help you find that perfect home, at the right price and terms. In other words, finding a home is like picking out that perfect gift but first, you must qualify. After all, owning a home is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life. How exciting! So, the true first step would be to contact your bank or a mortgage lender. Once you are able to see what your credit score looks like, it will answer that burning question, how much can I afford? Read More